Thursday, January 8, 2009

Burn baby burn

I've been making tea every day in my hot pot at work for at least 4 years, but today, I spilled boiling water all down my arm. Gross. This is what 2nd degree burns look like. The human skin is not a fan of boiling water, and it looks like acrylic is a good heat conductor (I was wearing a sweater). The ER doctor said it should heal just fine with no scarring, but I have to change the dressing twice a day - smear the whole mess with bacitracin and wrap it in gauze. It hurt like hell yesterday, but it's fine today (I hope that's not temporary). I have a follow up appt with the burn clinic next week. The only glitch - I took the vicodin they prescribed (half a tablet) and promptly threw it up, so I don't think that's gonna work for me. But thankfully it doesn't hurt and if it does, I'm going with Advil. The ER nurse said I'm not to make tea without supervision!
Alana was upset this morning because she thought I had changed the dressing before she got a chance to see it (I hadn't!) But Caleb was completely freaked out, and wouldn't even come in the room while the dressing was off. He's such a sensitive little soul!!

1 comment:

1anonymousmom said...

Oh. My. GOODNESS! wow! i'va had a third degree burn b4, but wow! that looks HORRIBLE! of course, i'm working my way backwards, so i've been seeing the healing b4 i saw the initial picture, but i was waiting to comment until i saw the first pic! i'm so sorry that happened to you! did u drive yourself to the er? wish i could be there to cook for you!