Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween in Liverpool

October 31, 2006

Well, it's only 7:30, but things are definitely winding down here. We only had maybe 40 trick- or-treaters during about an hour and a half - it seemed slow to me, compared to Bowman St. The kids went out with Larry (who, bless him, got home early from work). They hit about 4 blocks and came home with a pretty good supply of sugar. A minister lives across the street and has a tent set up in his front yard offering respite for adults - a place to sit, hotdogs, a movie playing for the kids - nice. Attached are some photos of the kids in their costumes (with our neighbor Phillip) and with the pumpkins they help carve over the weekend and at Alana's party at school (Phillip is in that photo too). Hope your holiday was nice.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

New haircuts

October 26, 2006

Both kids got haircuts today (Caleb got a trim and Alana went quite a bit shorter); then this evening they were rocking out in the living room with Larry to Cheap Trick's Surrender, plus some Prince and Boomtown Rats.