Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Fun Day

Larry was off today and we went to our favorite miniature golf place, Hickory Hill. Caleb got TWO hole-in-ones! He did well in general, but Alana was tired from the past several days of activities, and she only played a few holes. It was hot again, but there was a nice breeze that made it very comfortable.

In this photo, the kids are resting in the shade while Matt and Larry play through. =>

Side note: Larry was running an errand an the morning, so I took the opportunity to do a little housekeeping (something I normally avoid!) It's muddy this time of year, so I swept and vacuumed and even dusted a little. Caleb helped a little with the dusting and Alana helped a little with the vacuuming. And after an hour and a half, the house was much cleaner, which was great. But truthfully, I felt like the time was basically wasted - I would really rather have spent the time playing Monopoly, or going to the park, or something that counts as "quality time" with my kids.

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