Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another great weekend

We went to my Department's annual (catered!) picnic. The weather was perfect and the picnic was held at a gorgeous county park - Jamesville Beach. The kids had a great time - Caleb buddied around with several other boys and Alana had fun too. Caleb said it was the best picnic he ever went to. (He and the boys spent at least some time throwing rocks at, and poking sticks into, a bee's nest. Luckily the bees went about their business, but we had a serious conversation about the foolishness of that activity.)

1 comment:

oryoki said...

Was it honey bees or hornets or wasps that were the target?

If it was honey bees the foolishness goes beyond the risk of stings. Bees are facing hive collapse through out the country which poses serious problems for agriculture.

Honey bees are our friends.