Wednesday, September 16, 2009

These are the moments

So we're driving to Hebrew school in the evening (Caleb's first class) and the kids are talking about school and they realize that they both have 2 Noahs in their classes. Caleb wants to tally all the Noahs that we know (there are lots) and he asks me "Do dead ones count?" THAT got me choked up, I can tell you. Of course I said "Yes."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Temper tantrum

Alana had a full blown pouty fit last night - the first time she ever did that. This wasn't her first ever show of temper, but it was the first time that she kept it up this long. And all because Larry asked her to go upstairs 10 minutes before Caleb had to go and she didn't like that at all. Now Larry didn't really help the situation, but once it escalated, neither he nor I could talk her off the ledge - she would not speak to anyone and she kept it up until bedtime. Then went to bed and pulled the covers over her head and still wouldn't calm down. When she got up the next morning, she told Larry that she was thinking of forgiving him. Yikes! If this is 5, what is 15 going to be like???

Monday, September 14, 2009

School playground

Took these when I went to pick up the kids at the afterschool program.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Westcott Street Fair

I love this event - the boho atmosphere, the community tables and the funky crafts. Nikki came along with us. Here is Alana trying the hula hoop (I was a little late with the camera).

Here the kids eat greasy pizza at Dorian's. We ducked in here while it was sprinkling and it had stopped by the time we emerged. Among other things, we listened to some awesome R&B and watched some wonderful Congolese dancers. I saw Dan Maffei schmoozing - what would people think if they could see him at this commie fest???


After the Westcott festival we headed over to the JCC for the Jewish Music Festival. Caleb took this photo of me staffing the table of the Joint Social Action Committee. We hung out for several hours, the kids played, I staffed this table and then the Concord table. We heard some music, but there were two stages - Concord's choir sang indoors so we missed them.

Limbo girl

When we got home, we took Roxy to the park for a walk and Alana did a version of the limbo in the fence gate. Funny.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Crazy week, with school, etc. Things seem so hectic now - everything is getting started, including the Temple Sisterhood (member brunch this Sunday, I have to make 3 quiches!) and the HHD are right around the corner. But after the holidays, there's Alana BD, and then Halloween, and then on to the winter holidays; Hanukkah is early this year, so the whole month of December will be gifts and food, etc. It won't stop til January and then it will be dealing with the weather.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Alana being industrious

Alana just started washing dishes tonight after dinner. And cleared the table too.

Dentist visit

Caleb took this photo of Alana being quite cheerful.

Caleb got sealants on 4 molars which he didn't enjoy it at all. He said, "Did you take a picture of my misery?"

Caleb took this picture of me.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Clean bill of health

The kids went to the pediatrician today for their annual exams. Here, Alana is getting a hearing test, which she passed (I love her glamourous pose!)
Both had eye tests - Caleb is 20/20, but Alana was marked as 20/25 (I'll guess we'll keep an "eye" on her vision).
Alana got the mist version of the flu vaccine, but Caleb had to get the injection, due to his history of asthma and his seasonal allergies (he's very stuffy right now). That wasn't popular, I can tell you, but he survived.
All in all, they are very healthy and I hope we won't see the doctor again until next year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Upstate's children's hospital wing

Ribbon cutting and staff tour of the new "jewel" of the Upstate Health System

The treehouse

Adorable decor on the wall in the play room

Hydrotherapy room

Plaque on the Donor Wall

All the room numbers are butterflies and such

These happy (and large!) balloons festooned the area

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Newspaper fame

The kids are featured in the local Jewish newspaper this week - this photo is from the night in August that we took the scouts to Texas Roadhouse. Thanks to Melinda, the area coordinator, for scanning this.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hanging at Donna's pool with Danny

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mini golf

Caleb and Geo did this hole over and over trying to get a hole-in-one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st grade playdate

Alana with Dalton, who will be in her class.

Alana with her BFFL, Emma, who will be in one of the other classes.
(Alana is showing off the play dough that she got at camp.)